Field - Number


Number Field will accept only numeric characters and optionally decimal point. On mobile and touch devices different more convenient keyboard (numeric only) will be used for this type of fields.

This type of field is recommended for all types of numeric values, especially if they are used by Smart Fields for calculations (you are sure that field is always an valid number not text)



Greyed out value that is visible before user start typing value into input.

Minimum number

Lowest number expected in the field. User will be unable to submit form if value provided into the field is less than this setting.

Maximum number

Highest number expected in the field. User will be unable to submit form if value provided into the field is greater than this setting.

Input format

Predefined validation format and additional mask for the field

  • None (Numbers and Decimals)

  • Numbers Only (decimal point will not be allowed into input)

Last updated