You can conditionally show/hide fields or sections in your form based on responses in other fields.
Provide Condition in Condition Field in Field/Section/Image customization modal
Please check the examples:
sex == 'Male' ==> Field will appear only if field 'sex' has 'Male' value
approved == 'Yes' ==> Field will appear if field 'approved' has 'Yes' value (Could be set by Checkbox or radio button)
companyType == 'Automotive' || companyType == 'Healthcare' ===> Field will appear only if field 'companyType' has 'Automotive' value OR 'Healthcare' value
name != 'John' ==> Field will appear if field 'name' is not equal to 'John'
price > 500 ==> Field will appear if field 'price' is higher than 500
You can use conditional formatting together with "contains" / "notcontains" filter. Especially useful if you want to show field based on multi-checkbox selection or part of field value. Examples:
companyType | contains: 'Automotive' ==> Field will appear if field 'companyType' contains Automotive word
companyType | notcontains: 'Automotive' ==> Field will appear if field 'companyType' do not contains Automotive word
You can also use expressions/formulas based on multiple fields values
Please check the examples:
companyType == 'Automative' && insurance == 'Yes' ==> Field will appear only if field 'companyType' has 'Automative' and field 'insurance' has 'Yes' value
insured == 'Yes' || age > 18 ==> Field will appear only if field 'insured' has 'Yes' value and field 'age' is higher than 18
You can also use it based on optional sections
isUnderage ==> Field will appear only if section 'isUnderage' is selected
!isUnderage ==> Field will appear only if section 'isUnderage' is NOT selected
isUnderage && sex == 'Male' ==> Field will appear only if section 'isUnderage' is selected and field 'sex' has 'Male' value
You can find all fields with conditions on the fields/section list on the form configuration page marked with a special icon
You can use conditions within section items (fields)