Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Are there any limits on fields or page numbers for documents? A: There are no limits on the number of pages, fields, or placeholders. However, there are some technical limits - a 10MB data limit for document generation and a 10MB limit for uploaded document templates.

Q: Does Documentero support documents in languages [X/Y/Z]? Does it support right-to-left (RTL) text? A: Yes, Documentero adheres to the text styling defined in your uploaded template (.docx format). If the template is set to RTL, the generated document will respect that formatting. Note: The app interface and shareable form UI are available in English, Spanish, German, French, Italian, and Polish.

Q: Can I use PDF or Fillable PDF as document template ? A: No, Documentero document generation service is based on .docx and online templates (created using our editor). If you want to use PDF as template you need to convert it to .docx format first. In terms of document output format we support both .docx and .pdf

Q: How do I add a header or footer to the document template? A: Upload your template in .docx format. Headers and footers can be configured directly in Word or Google Docs.

Q: Some formatting elements are not available in the online template editor. What can I do? A: To access all formatting capabilities, use uploaded templates in .docx format.

Q: What fonts are supported in PDF output mode? A: Not all fonts are supported in PDF exports. If there is no available font for PDF conversion - similar/default font will be used. This could depend on the used font or language. We support basic variations of Open Sans, Roboto, Lato, Noto, and MS Open Fonts, as well as the following:

  • Andale Mono

  • Arial (Black, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic)

  • Comic Sans MS (Bold)

  • Courier New (Bold, Italic, Bold Italic)

  • Georgia (Bold, Italic, Bold Italic)

  • Impact

  • Times New Roman (Bold, Italic, Bold Italic)

  • Trebuchet (Bold, Italic, Bold Italic)

  • Verdana (Bold, Italic, Bold Italic)

  • Webdings

Q: Elements in the header or footer are missing in my PDF output. Why? A: Some elements may appear differently in the PDF output. If there are overlapping free textboxes or shapes in the header or footer, they may not be visible due to insufficient space. Try moving the text out of the shapes or resizing the header/footer/shapes to resolve the issue.

Q: How can I conditionally show parts of a document? A: Use Sections & Smart Sections to display specific text, paragraphs, or even entire pages based on conditions and the values of other fields.

Sections Smart Sections

Q: How can I pass multiline text when using the API to generate documents? A: Use the special character "\n" to insert line breaks in your documents.

Q: How can I customize the output document filename to include specific data? A: Navigate to your templates, go to the Template Overview (by clicking the template name) and edit the Output Filename field. You can make the filename dynamic by including document fields and date stamps, such as 'Client Report {surname} {datestamp}'.

Q: How can I insert an image (JPG/PNG) into a document? A: Use the image field (e.g., "{%logo}"). For more information, refer to the documentation: Fields - Images

Q: How do I populate paragraphs or table rows with a dynamic number of elements? A: Use sections for this purpose. Sections can be applied to both block elements and table rows. Learn more here: Sections

Q: Can I review the generated documents? Where are they stored? A: Documentero does not store generated documents, in compliance with our data privacy design. You can configure the system to send documents to specific email addresses or integrate with services like Google Drive using automation workflows (Zapier, Make, etc.).

Q: How long is the download link valid for generated documents? A: The download link (with special non-guessable security token) is valid for 10 minutes, then document cannot be downloaded.

Q: How can I add signatures to documents? A: Documentero does not have built-in e-signature functionality. However, you can integrate it with a dedicated e-signature service via automation tools (Zapier, Make, etc.). For legal e-signatures, pair Documentero with e-signature software that complies with regulations in your country. You can also configure shareable forms to prompt clients for signatures and redirect them to an third-party e-signature service with generated file.

Q: I added an image field but the image isn't visible. Why? A: This issue typically arises when the image URL is not publicly accessible. Documentero cannot retrieve images that require login access.

Q: Can I add technical, invisible fields and use them as conditions? A: Yes, you can add invisible fields by using the "| hide" modifier in the placeholder definition, and then use them in Smart Fields and Smart Sections:

Example: {fieldname | hide} {#$ fieldname == 'Yes'}☒{/} {#$ fieldname == 'No'}☐{/}

Smart SectionsSmart Fields

Q: How can I display checkboxes or other symbols conditionally in the document? A: Here's an example using a hidden field "yeslearnmore" to display different checkbox symbols based on conditions:

Do you want to learn more about me?

{yeslearnmore | hide}

{#$ yeslearnmore == 'Yes'}☒{/} {#$ yeslearnmore != 'Yes'}☐{/} Yes {#$ yeslearnmore == 'No'}☒{/} {#$ yeslearnmore != 'No'}☐{/} No

Q: Can I use nested sections in the template? A: Yes, you can nest sections within each other. For example, you can define a repeatable section with another repeatable section inside.

Q: Document generation takes a lot of time, I got timeouts in my Zapier/Bubble workflows A: Some integration tools (like Zapier or Bubble actions) have limited action time (e.g. 30 seconds). If the document generation lasts longer (unlikely) - they could throw a timeout error.

How to troubleshoot/speed up long-running document generation:

  • Consider changing the output format from PDF to DOCX (Docx output is always faster) (You can convert the document to PDF in a separate step if needed)

  • Optimize your document template to be lightweight (e.g. resize/compress in-template images)

  • Check if you are not passing unnecessary data for document generation

  • If you are using image fields and passing image URLs, make sure that they are hosted under a public URL and can be downloaded fast w/o interruptions (otherwise they will extend the time required for document generation)

Q: How do I embed a document generation form on my website? A: First, share the document generation form. Then, copy and paste the provided iframe code snippet into your website. You can customize the form's styling using available parameters. Embeed & customize shared form on your website

Last updated